More Ubiquitous

The Speakeasy Project

"The project is working in two directions simultaneously. First, we are developing a set of mobile-code based "patterns" for distributed computing. These patterns support discovery, sensemaking, and interconnection of components in a distributed world. Second, we are is looking at the possible user experience of such a future world of richly interconnected devices and services. This includes not only the user interface, but also issues such as security and sensemaking."
[my emph]

This page includes a pdf of:
Designing for Serendipity: Supporting End-User Configuration of Ubiquitous Computing Environments

"The future world of ubiquitous computing is one in which we will be
surrounded by an ever-richer set of networked devices and services.
In such a world, we cannot expect to have available to us specific
applications that allow us to accomplish every conceivable
combination of devices that we might wish. Instead, we believe that
many of our interactions will be through highly generic tools that
allow end-user discovery, configuration, interconnection, and control of the devices around us."
[my emph]

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